Monday, November 30, 2009

War effects

War effects can also happen mentaly after or during the duty time of soldiers. Fierce combat and multiple deployments are taking a heavy psychological toll on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, where one in five fighters at lower ranks suffer mental health problems. But there are more harsher effects for example rising suicide rates and a shooting spree.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ken Burn's civil right moive

I learned many things from the Ken Burn's civil rights moive for example the curshulty that the slave famalies went through and the ways they tried to fight aginst it for example Rite Turbman is a women who freed over hunders of slaves through the underground railroads. I also learned that the slave issus divided the senate into two parts the one for slavery and the one aginst slavery. Also that the book Uncle tom's cabine was a very important part of history and also the book Commen sense.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

North vs South

The advanteges for the north was that it had many industries therefore it was develop and their were job and the product was not expensive.

The advanteges for the south was that they had agricultre and therefore they could provide their own food and sell the rest and they could depend on themselves.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Civil War

The Compromise of 1850: Henry Clay, U.S. senator from Kentucky solved an very important issue at hand, the spread of slavery in the Missouri. He sovled this problem by having a comprimise between the north and the south.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act: The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by the U.S. Congress on May 30, 1854. It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´.

Presidential Election: The central issue of the presidential election of 1860 was bound to be slavery. Battles over the spread of slavery to new territories and states had gripped the United States throughout the 1850s, and were especially intensified by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Faded Hopes

Who: The Morrocan soccer team

When: November 14 2009

Where: Morroco, Fes

What: The Morrocan soccer team lost aginst the Cameroon soccer team 2 - 0 drowning all hopes to quallify to the African cup.

Why: To get quallified in the African cup

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tetounan's Comic book Expo.

What: The international comic book expo.

Tuesday November 17 to Thursday November 19 2009

Where: Tetouan, Morocco

This anual expo is to show new comic books and new talents as in comic book writters.

Who: Any one who has a passion for comic books can attend to the expo and you can also share your work by sending your project to the anual comic book expo assosiation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Comprimise situation

A situation in a teenager's life that is not solved by a comprimise is if the parents want to take the freedom or their private life. A comprimise will not work in this situation because a teenager's privacy or freedom is essencial for the result of their adult life.

A international political situation where comprimise will not work is if a forgein country attacks and colonozies a nation then if that nation has finally their independence the nation will not comprimise with the colonist because they want their freedom

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I when I finish med school in the USA or Canada I will probebly stay in Texas or Montreal as an interin in a local hospital. I will stay there for a while then I will come back to Morroco and specialize in caridologie with the help of my dad's friend. Then I will go back to rhe USA, Canada or France and work there as a coriologist.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Morrocain Political Parties

Morocco has had a multi-party system since independence in 1956 with numerous parties ranging in ideology from the far-left to Islamists. The Moroccan electoral system leads the political parties to seek coalition governments. However, both the post of Prime Minister and other four main government ministers are appointed by the King of Morocco.